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Wednesday, June 8, 2011


HCG Diet was introduced way back in the mid 1950s by a doctor. This is a new approach to obesity that requires anyone to strictly follow HCG Diet program or its protocol.

Regardless of that, American citizens or its residents still continue to bloat. Today’s American lifestyle is the major contributor for the obesity of its people. Kids, teens and adults are not concerned on this health issue or are just totally ignore the fact that today’s lifestyle is the reason for this health issue.

Everybody knows what obesity means. It is an excessive accumulation of fats in the body. For the past 20 years, a dramatic increase in obesity in America has been alarming. In the year 2006 and 2008, surveys have been made and showed that Blacks had the highest percentage of prevalence of obesity at 51%. Hispanics in the United States had 21% prevalence as compared to whites.

Recent calculations were undertaken and estimated that 30% of the America’s population were categorized as obese. As compared with other countries like the United Kingdom whose population makes up 23% and Canada who is at 14% of their respective population. These research and survey would make it appear that obesity is now a concern in America.

On the other way around, HCG Diet was quite effective enough for some thousands of Americans. HCG Diet program is now being considered as one way to help fight obesity in America. HCG is actually a hormone that can be found in a pregnant woman’s body that helps lose the fats. Those hormones can suppress one’s craving for food. Yes, that is correct, an appetite suppressant it is. HCG program comes in the form of drops and injections that should be taken daily and contains only 500 calories. It is mostly often injected by doctors in the patient’s thighs and prescribed with an extremely low in calorie meal plans. These extremely low-calorie meal plans should be strictly followed during their 23-40 days of medication. By the way, this program will cost from $495 to $595 depending on the number of days program a patient will undergo.

Nonetheless, despite of those who attested their success in losing at least 1-5 pounds a day, many are also disclaiming the effectivity of this HCG Diet program. Realizing that HCG Diet works as an appetite suppressant, many then just still rely on other famous methods of dieting. Since, HCG Diet program is not just a 500 calorie injection but it also has a low calorie diet program that comes with it. Many find it to be an expensive way of losing your excess fats. These injectable hormones are what’s making it expensive, which doctors say is needed and is responsible for controlling your calories intake.

Well then, all of these diets actually only just show you how to limit your food intake. We need to remember that “anything that is excessive is not good.” Dieting technically teaches one the need for an awareness of the nutrients we take in everyday. That is the secret here. It is very important for us to know how much are the content or what is the count of fats, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars and the protein for each food we eat. Vitamins and minerals should also be present in each food. By following this secret process, cellulite is just then going to be a thing of the past.

alex icasiano

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